Category: Codex

  • Guide to Azure OpenAI Service

    Guide to Azure OpenAI Service

    Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service is an enterprise-level re-bundling of OpenAI’s AI models like GPT3, 3.5, Codex, DALL-E 2, chatGPT, etc. Azure OpenAI Service makes the OpenAI AI models available from Azure. It’s an invite-only service and is targeted at large Azure users. The current models available are: GPT 3 and GPT3.5 DALL-E 2 Codex chatGPT…

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  • Using GPT 3.5 in the command line

    Using GPT 3.5 in the command line

    I am someone who works a lot with command line programs like terminal or bash. The biggest pain point for me is not remembering a command or options for a command.   Thankfully, I have found a solution – using GPT-3 in the command line.   Let me show you how   We will take…

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  • Best Beginners guide to OpenAI Codex, with 5 practical examples

    Best Beginners guide to OpenAI Codex, with 5 practical examples

    OpenAI Codex is a new GPT-3 AI version that can convert plain English into runnable programming code. For example, Suppose when I input this prompt to OpenAI Codex in the OpenAI GPT-3 Playground, it gives me the output of the code below the prompt. Prompt: # Create a Python dictionary of 6 countries and their…

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