Guide to Meta OPT-175B – Free GPT-3 Alternative

OPT-175b is a large language model like GPT-3, created by Meta(Facebook).

It’s available as free and open source – meaning you can run it on your own machines.

Running OPT-175B in the browser

You can run OPT-175N AI model without downloading or installing anything and it’s free. To use OPT-175B in the browser,

  1. Open
  2. Enter your prompt in the textbox
  3. Press generate
  4. The results will be displayed below

OPT-175B is free to use and you can generate unlimited texts.

Installing and running OPT-175b on your own Hardware

You can also run OPT-175B or it’s smaller versions on your own hardware.

Follow the instructions on this page to install and run your own OPT-175B